Mt. Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church was founded and established in 1925 by, John and Alice Pouncy along with Bro. and Sis Moses Watkins, Bro E. Garrett and Bro. Eddie Bush. From 1925 to 1929 the church was led by Pastor Rev. S.H. Saul, followed by Pastor Rev. A.J. Inman. Under their leadership the dedicated
congregation worshipped under a Brush Arbor structure. It wasn't until 1930, under the leadership of Pastor Rev. J.E. Jenkins when the first two wooden structures were built. Pastor Jenkins at the time served as the
second moderator of the IMBGA (Independent Missionary Baptist General Association) of Texas. In 1954,
Pastor Rev. Travis E. Spiller along with his wife, Sis Sarah L. Spiller organized the church's first Youth Depatment, and the Youth Sponsors Council, which still serves as a model for Houston City Wide, and State Congress of Christian Workers. Between the years of 1968 and 1975 both Pastor Rev. Abraham Campbell and Pastor Rev. Melvin Wade made brilliant interior and exterior renovations as well as purchased land across the street to serve as a parking lot due to the steady growing membership. In 1976, Pastor Rev. G.T. Curry Sr. took the lead and has led us to present day. Pastor Curry now serves as Emeritus after 46 years of Devine leadership. During his tenure both the multi-purpose building and the educational building has been added completing the beloved trinity complex under the direction of Bro.
Richard Watkins, Bro. Rossie L. Allen and Bro. Willie
Brew Jr. Over the years Mt. Pilgrim has developed various programs to serve both its membership and the community. This church has led countless individuals to Christ through Sunday worship, teachings, revivals, workshops, and enrichment programs for children and adults. Some of these programs include; Men in Action, United Women's Ministry, Sunday School, and a Scouting Program that was established in 1960 by Bro. James
V. Webster. The counting program has crossed a record number of 18 young men into Eagle Scouts Under the leadership of Bro. Calvin G. Dunn and Dea. Heard Robinson Jr. Today Mt. Pilgrim covers 1.5 acres of land on the block of E 32nd 1/2 St. and Link St. in the historic Independent Heights Community. The Church still serves the community both in person and virtually through Sunday morning worship as well as various programs and activities through the year.